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Specialising in Shapewear, Swimwear, Nightwear and Underwear

Featured In

Take a look at where we have been...

April 2015

Cotswold Life Magazine

Cotswold Life

Cotswold Life featured Millesia in their Valentines lingerie coverage

April 2015

A Bloke´s Eyeview

Blokes eyeview

Lovely to get the male point of view on our brands - great review of Blackspade Men´s underwear here from A Bloke´s Eyeview blog - http://www.ablokeseyeview.co.uk/2015/03/feeling-good-in-blackspade-undies.html

April 2015

It´s a London Bird Thing - Blog

London Bird

It´s a London Bird Thing blog is running a Miraclesuit swimsuit competition http://www.londonbirdlucy.co.uk/2015/03/do-you-want-to-win-miraclesuit-swimwear.html

April 2015

What Katy Said - Blog

What Katy Said

Blogger What Katy Said loved her Blackspade Dressing Gown we sent to review! http://www.whatkatysaid.com/2015/03/blackspade-review/

April 2015

Mum to a Monster - Blog

Mum to a MOnster

Mum to a Monster Blog reviewed David swimwear for us and loved it! http://mumtoamonster.com/review/patricia-eve/

April 2015

Mum to a Monster - Blog

Mum to a monster

Mum to a Monster blog also reviewed and loved Blackspade Nightwear http://mumtoamonster.com/review/patricia-eve/

March 2015

Athletics Weekly Magazine

Athletics Weekly

Athletics Weekly reviewed and included Blackspade Thermal sports tops

March 2015

Mummy Fever Blog

Mummy Fever


Mummy Fever blog kindly reviewed Blackspade nightwear for us here http://blog.mummyfever.co.uk/2015/03/relaxing-family-evenings.html

March 2015

Outdoor Fitness Magazine

Outdoor Fitness

Outdoor Fitness Magazine included Blackspade Thermal sports top in their feature after reviewing.

March 2015

Northern Woman Magazine

Northern Woman

Northern Woman magazine used Miraclesuit and Naomi & Nicole shapewear for their party feature.