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Specialising in Shapewear, Swimwear, Nightwear and Underwear

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Take a look at where we have been...

October 2015

Miraclesuit review from The Hearty Life blog

Miraclesuit review - hearty life blog


Thanks to Mary for her great Miraclesuit blog review

October 2015

Miraclesuit Swim review - Supermummysecrets blog

Miraclesuit blog review supermummysecrets


Thanks Francesca for your Miraclesuit blog review.

October 2015

Miraclesuit competition - Whocancutit.co.uk

Miraclesuit competition - whocancutit.co.uk

October 2015

David Bikini - Everythingmummy.co.uk

Summer Essentials - Everything Mummy blog


Amy included a David Bikini in her Summer Essentials list on her blog

October 2015

David Bikini top included in the Fashion ache blog Summer essentials

David Bikini - Summer essential Fashionache


Thanks Sarah for including the David Bikini top in you summer essentials list on your blog

October 2015

blackspade nightwear review - Wishful Wonderings blog

blackspade nightwear review - Wishful winderings


Thanks to Cathy for her Blackspade nightwear review on her Wishful Wonderings blog

October 2015

David Tankini review from Codiekinz.co.uk

David Tankini review - Codikinz


Thanks Codie for your David Tankini review.

October 2015

David Vacanze Bikin & Iconique dress review - beautyfromthefjord.co.uk

David Vacanze & Iconique review beaty from the Fjord


Thanks Olivia for your David Vacanze Bikini & Iconique Dress blog review

October 2015

David Bikini & Sarong review from mothergeek.co.uk

David Bikini review - Mothergeek


Thanks to Tina for her David Bikini & Sarong blog review

October 2015

Miraclesuit swim review from mothergeek.co.uk blog

Miraclesuit review - Mothergeek blog


Thanks Tina for your Miraclesuit swim blog review